Live Show: 04/25/97
Syracuse, NY
Reviewed by: Chris O'Malley
The Details
You know how it feels when you think things are the
best they'll be, and then life surprises you and makes
it even better? Well, welcome to the Syracuse show.
My friend Kevin attends Syracuse University, so I
met up with him. After some dinner, we got to
Styleen's Rhythm Palace at around 7:30pm. Doors
were supposed to open at 8:15, but they ended up
not opening till after 9. While standing in line,
I finally got to met Zay (and her Mom), and also
see Marc Stress and his wife, whom I'd met at earlier
Fruvous shows. Laurie was also there, and I met
her boyfriend, Craig, for the first time.
I met a bunch of other people too, but
I'm horrible with names. Hi everyone!!
The concert area was somewhat small, and not many people
were waiting in line to get in. Once doors opened, however,
the place filled up nicely. The Beatles were playing on the
sound system, and once Michael Jackson's "Wanna be startin'
somethin'" came on, I knew the guys would be up soon (they
did the same thing the night before in Buffalo).
Moxy got on stage a little after 10pm. Since they were not
the headliners, they only played for less than an hour. Johny
Vegas is from Syracuse, so they were the main act. The Nields
did not join the party, unfortunately.
Albeit a short set, it was a good one. Mostly new stuff, with
some old standards thrown in (see below). Dave is still sick,
but getting better; he told me after the show that he feels
fine, it's that he just can't sing. I guess his throat is all
screwed up. Get better soon, Dave!!
The highlight of the show (at least for me) was during "I Love
My Boss". Mike sang, "Who knows what Chris O'Malley will be
bringing?" I was completely surprised!! :-) I must have had
the biggest smile on my face from that point on. Thanks to the
guys for one of the coolest moments I've ever experienced.
After the show, I talked to Marcus, and saw Dave in the bar
hanging out, and said a quick Hello. I needed to get home soon
so Kevin and I didn't stay for Johny Vegas. I left Syracuse
at 12:30 in the morning, and headed back to Rochester, where
they're playing on Saturday.
So, once again, I get to see the boys in my home town!!
Thanks to Katie (Fruhead1) for telling me what was written on
the band's setlist:
END 97
The Pictures
Click the description to get the pic:
The Music
Opened with
- Peace of Mind - Brand New Disc
- "The incredible stength, the fortitude, the movement
of our brand new disc!"
The Set
- My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors
- "Who needs a grave? Robertson Davies!"
- River Valley
- Jian crosses his eyes during "you can tell me stories"
- Get in the Car
- Chatter
- Jian: "This is our first time in Syracuse!"
- Dave: "It's better than Stephen King's 'The Shining'"
- Jian: It's better than Albany.
- I Love My Boss
- "Who knows what Chris O'Malley will be bringing?"
- Jian, instead of "examples", says "Utica"
- Chatter
- Jian explains how they normally don't do this song anymore, but
Syracuse needs a hero
- Quick tease of "We don't need another hero"
- Spiderman
- Mike chucks his chinese yo-yo into the crowd
- Mike: "All we need is life beyond the Thunderdome!"
- Mike: Sabres vs. Senators. Who will win, and who will go back
to Buffalo disappointed?
- "Justice...for that guy!" (Mike points to an audience member)
- Chatter
- Dave: "Why don't you give me, Artie Fufkin, a big kick in the ass!"
- Jian: "Good segue."
- Kick in the Ass
- Chatter
- Murray: I think everyone can relate to that last song, and here's
a song that no one can relate to. Unless you've been to the Himalayas.
- During the drum intro, the band does an "It's tricky" rap.
- B.J. Don't Cry
- "Budha and a brush"
- Mike uses his megaphone during the "Now on the street..." section,
and changes some words in the middle.
- Mike changes the last verse, throwing in "Johny Vegas" and
"Styleen's Rhythm Palace"
- Chatter
- Jian talks about the new album
- The Incredible Medicine Show
- Chatter
- Jian, with an english accent: It's quite hot, isn't it? Up on
stage here, sweating like a fucking pig.
- Jian and Murray discuss whether pigs sweat.
- Mike chimes in with some French, while Jian translates.
- Fly
- Chatter
- Murray: Social satire is a dangerous business. We first played
this song in its home state 3 days ago. That moment marked the death
watch for one of us in the band.
- Michigan Militia
- Chatter
- Jian, in a funny voice: "And I tell you now, a song about food"
- Jian: "That's an impression of my father, who will be at the
Rochester show tomorrow."
- Mike: "My wife will also be at the show, and I'd like to do an
impression of her: 'Swing it' (from MI militia)"
- Johnny Saucep'n
- Chatter
- Murray thanks the people for doing the hand-jive.
- Mike, talking about Johny Vegas: "Real cool Americans"
- Jian: "It's hard to find cool Americans"
- Audience boos.
- Murray: "What you meant to say is it's hard not to run into
cool Americans"
- Jian does standard intro for KOS. "Is it the Queen of Nigeria?..."
- Mike: "Crazy, spastic, nutty, crazy, the King of Spain!"
- King of Spain
- Dave: "I introduce to you, the Goo Goo Dolls!"
- Murray: "Why did you give up your monarchy? You had chocolate
eclairs, ice cream, you had the corns pumiced on your feet..."
- Green Eggs & Ham
- Jian, about Dave hating the Beatles: This is Syracuse, NY. You can get the shit kicked out of you.
- Dave: That would cut down on my laxative bills.
- Murray: You've trumped us with that one.
Closed with
- Love Potion #9 Medley
- Ohio
- Stayin' Alive
- Riff from Jungle Boogie
- Who Will Save Your Soul?
- "What if Maude was one of us?"
- Line from Your New Boyfriend
- You Oughtta Know
Misc. Info
Some other tidbits from the performance include:
- Feel free to help contribute to this section!
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