Live Show: 11/9/97
Utica, NY
Reviewed by: Chris O'Malley, Jered Floyd & Katie Contino

The Details
I was hoping for another show that could have a place in my memories similar
to that of the July Syracuse show. I think this show qualifies...
Jo, Jen and I in one car, Jenn in another, and Jered in another constituted our
little caravan from Rochester to Utica, leaving at around four in the afternoon.
We got there by six-thirty, and stopped in a little pizza place across the street
from the venue for some food. Mike and Kelly showed up shortly thereafter, so
we chatted till eight, when doors opened.
I've never really been to Utica before, but Sunday night, in the middle
of the pouring rain equals not too many people out seeing concerts. Captain
Trip's Rainforest Preserve is a quaint place with still enough room to hold
a decent size crowd (like Valentine's in Albany). Before the main area opened
up, I met up with Chris Bray and his dad, Clairice, and others. I would
say there were about 100 people there total.
Tory Cassis went on around nine and played for about forty-five minutes.
The crowd seemed to like him; at least they were listening somewhat, not like
Rochester the night before. Before Fruvous came on, I met a guy named Gary
who had never seen Moxy before, but really liked Bargainville. I told him
he was in for a treat...
Fruvous went on somewhere near ten or so. They played for about two hours,
but the encores weren't that long, and I was surprised that they didn't come
out for a third, considering how much the crowd was applauding. The set, though,
was pretty varied from the night before, and the crowd was so great. During
'Fell in Love', complete silence... Ahh...
Afterwards, the guys were extremely social, and a bunch of us hung around
and talked till something like one-thirty in the morning. Dave and I discussed the
doom of my impending ass brand, Mike told us his Office Depot story,
and I met a bunch of new friends, and also
said hello again to Rattlebasket, a band that has played with Fruvous in
the past.
Jo, Jen, and I headed home and got back to Rochester by three-thirty. I should
have just gone straight to work for the amount of sleep I ended up getting. :-)
What a great show. I'll definitely be visiting this neck of the woods again when
Fruvous returns.
From Jered Floyd:
The Utica show was excellent! I always enjoy the smaller shows better,
the guys always seem more relaxed and off-the-wall, and Utica was no
exception. Yeah, I suppose that it wasn't a perfect show technically
(there were a few missed lines, especially on songs that hadn't been
done in a while) but, darn it, it was FUN! If I want to hear flawless
execution without chatter, I'l listen to the CD...
Speaking of CDs...a number of songs on CDs have little "embellishments"
at the ends of songs, for example the strange notes at the end of
"Michigan Militia", or the little riff at the very end of "fly"
(which is, btw, my favorite Fruvous song, but I won't get into that
meta-level in this message)
I think there's another example or two, but I'm can't name any offhand.
Anyhow, since these are studio recordings and presumably can be and were
mixed extensively post-production, these things were consciously added
to the songs. I wonder if there's rhyme or reason to this...they
certainly don't sound wrong or out of place, but they're definitely
_different_ and not present in any live performance I've seen.
What do you think? Hidden messages from Fruvous? A secret Canadian
government conspiracy? (The US gov't gets accused of enough conspiracies,
I think we should let those wily Canadians in on some of the action.)
Space aliens? Inquiring minds want to know!
Anyhoo, I was talking about Utica. A bunch of us rolled into town earlier
after traveling through the unpleasant weather, and had dinner at the
pizza place across from the venue, where everyone seems to have eaten
before or after the show (you've got to admit, they have a great location).
Oh, another thing about the weather in the northeast. Back home in
Michigan, we had thunderstorms. Real thunderstorms, with thunder and
lightning. None of this wimpy drizzle. I have yet to see anything even
approximating a thunderstorm in my 3 years here in Boston. _Sigh_. I
miss those thunderstorms. Just go and lie down in a room with lots of
windows, and the lights (and preferably all electrical and mechanical
gizmos) turned off. Crack open a window slightly. Stay there and
watch the lightning, smell the fresh, crisp air, feel the thunder, and
the light giddiness from the low pressure. I tell you, there's nothing
more calming than experiencing a good thunderstorm. _Sigh_
Then we went over to the venue and milled around until Tory came on.
He's very good, and I'm sure we'll be hearing more about him in the
future. He has an incredible voice...I think he reminded me in several
ways of Duncan Sheik. My main constructive criticism is that his songs
often feel a bit sparse on lyrics; it's not that there aren't enough of
them, it's just that they feel too spaced apart which really
threw off the pacing for me. I can't wait until I have a chance to see
him live with his band.
Moxy came on not too long after Tory finished. I won't go over the
setlist again, other that to say that it was very different from most
of the tour, and a lot of fun. "It's Too Cold" and the "Dancing Queen"
medley were great to hear again. Personally, I'm very curious as to
what Mike was going to do with the plastic sax before he kicked it
across the stage because it wouldn't cooperate. (And then almost kicked
Murray across the stage because he wouldn't cooperate :-)
They also did "Psycho Killer" (and did so the previous night in
Rochester); I think this is a really excellent addition to the
After the show, I stayed around for about an hour chatting with people,
and then left to drive back to Boston around 1:30 am. Ugh. Normally
about a 4.5 hour drive, but I made 3 stops where I rested for about
30 minutes-an hour, so I didn't really get home until 7 am. (It's
certainly disorienting to wake up and not recognize where you are because
all the cars in the parking lot have moved around...) I've never seen
so many trucks in my life...ooh, and I hate passing those things because
they like to swing into my lane when I do.
Marcus and Dave both have shaved their heads (old news)'s
strange. It definitely looks good on Dave. As for Marcus, well,
I guess there's not much that he could do that would look _bad_, but
he had such nice hair before... Maybe it's just a plot to get
people to go rub their heads.
Well, this message has already inexplicably expanded beyond all
reasonable size limits, so I'll end it now; that, and because I'm
tired and don't have anything more to say. I'll be at the NYC shows,
so I'll see folks there...
From Katie Contino:
The natives are scarry, but the bar guys were nice. The Rainforest Preserve
reminded me a lot of Styleen's in Syracuse, both are very small, 18+, have
cool painings on the walls (Styleen's are better) and have rocking Frushows in
them =)
But back to the begining so I can dole out thanks where they are due. My plans
fell through, totaly shot to hell. My dad was going to take a friend and I,
but got quite ill quite quickly, and was unable to drive us. I woke up early
Sunday morning becasue I couldn't sleep and was greeted by a nice letter from
Clarice (dedesfru) that sugested I ask Kimberly (Shilfiell) for a ride. I
worked up my gall and did just that. Actually I sent Kris, her son, and
email, but cought her online long before he was out of bed. Before I even had
the chance to ask, but after I'd told my story Kimberly offered my friend and
I a ride, just like that. I was very touched, and very greatful. Needless to
say, but I'll say it anyways (hey this *is* my reivew), we worked everthing
out and met Kimberly on the Thur-way (Sleeping on the inerstate, owhoao. we
got some wild wild life, oh... sorry) and were off to Utica. It was a
pleasent drive, rain and all.
Ariving in Utica very early (5:30!) we desided it would be nice to eat
something (Yes, we support food =)) There was this quaint little dinner type
pizza place across the street, which we went to. It wasn't so good, wasn't so
bad. Thay had a grossly rich penuttbutter pie though. (mmmm) As we were
leaving some other fruheads came in to the same place. I believe it was *the*
place to eat, so close and all. We left the resturant to cross back to the
venue around 6:30, looking at the long cold wait ahead, I was feeling pretty
dumb. I'd worn a thin sweater, tank top, and sandels without socks. (feel
free to yell at the dumb teen) but right infront of the venue was this parking
space! SO, Shilfiell and Kris went to get there car from the lot down the
street while Kristen (my friend 'member her from FRFF?) and I stood in the
spot and waited for them. Boy, was THAT ever cold.
The doors opened at 8. Luck for sick me, we were allowed to wat inside by the
door the "doorman" was very nice and chatty with a sweet giggle. I like to
meet people and the club owners and workers were nice people to meet. After
wards they didnt get mean untill 1:30 or so. It was nice not to be screamed
at till we left like in Rochester on Saturday. However that club closed at
2am, according to their sign. Whats up with that? Well, anyways. Luck for
Kristen and I were were never required to show ID. We'd told the guy we were
in 12th grade (which has the possiblity of being 18, unlike 11th, where we
really are) and he never questioned us =) Thank goodness! I;m rambling too
much. Onto the show!
Tory took the stage at about 9pm, and played about 45-50 minutes. Again, this
man is a treat. I'd travel to see him as much as I have to see Fruvous, yes,
seriously. He mentioned how it was nice to play smaller venues where he could
see people, and comented about people having been in Rochester. He played
some great swing tunes, love songs, and unrequited love songs.
Fruvous came on about 10:15, early! imagin that! and played for close to or
over 2 hours. A mush different set from the night before. Very Woodey. Yes,
it has all the new song versions they've been doing on the YNB tour, but had
special treats through in like "It's too cold," "Darlington Darling" and if I
had gotten the set list, I'd tell you the others, but I enjoyed the show
instead of copying down the songs. They did a few impromptu songs that I
didnt know. Either they're dating themselves, or I'm a musical idiot, probably
the later. Mike has some wild bits including "Happy Face Man" and a solo on a
toy saxaphone deemed "the quivering chicken song" which related to what Jian
was saying about Roy Rogers, a disgusting fast food place, and the only one
between Rochester and Syracuse on I90.
Again they played PSYCHO KILLER! but I thought they weren't going to because
Jian stoped Murray when he started doing the thing on his bass. Instead they
did "Get in the Car" then PSYCHO KILLER and again, it *rocked the house*. I
only have one quam with that song, the ending, and thats not even so ban, just
that I can't keep up =) If Fruvous want to keep covering my favorite bands, I
bet they could so some neat stuff with Ani, Vance Gilbert, or maybe some
Fruvisized techo. Dave's fasion seems to be leaning that way anyhow.
In the encore they attempted the Billie Jean Medley... I guess they havn't done
that in a while since they forgot the words =) Murray was cranking out the
"Love fool" parts and people behind me were cheering for him. I'm still
amazed by the versitility of the human voice.
I forget what they ended ended with, but it wasn't the "Drinking Song" or "The
Gulf War Song" and ya know what? I didn't mind one bit, and I didn't miss it
either. The energy of the crowd when all was said and done was fantastic, and
it kept me pumped all the way home so I could keep Kimberly company.
After the show we were allowed to mingle for quite awhile which was very nice.
It's so nice to catch up with you people. I must say though, Jered, you have
a great vertical. You should change lightbulbs or play basketball =) Hello
again to everyone. I guess I'll end about here. The ride home was so nice!
I got to take my shoes off, not like I didn't during the show, but ya know...
they had wooden soles, NO shuish what-so-ever! I should think more about my
feet, they keep me dancing! I'll end my tale here, with a thanks for
listening and until the next, keep Fruvin and Happy trails.
(Be sure to check out the article from the
The Pictures
Click the description to get the pic:
The Music
Opened with
- I've Gotta Get a Message to You (A Cappella)
The Set
- Poor Mary Lane
- It's Too Cold
- Chatter
- Jian: This is our third time at Captain Trip's,
but this is our first time this year in Utica! Last year was the
first year we played here. We made the big trip from Rochester to
Utica today, it's great how short that trip is.
- Jian proceeds to talk about how they've cut down the Canadian
dates considerably because the distance between them is so large.
An obviously drunk audience member proceeds to yell out "So what?!?"
- Jian: This is indicative of the American attitude towards Canadians.
- Dave: Usually it's the drunks who speak out first.
- Jian: Is there a worse strip of highway in terms of shit food places than
the strip between Rochester and Syracuse? I think there isn't. The only highway
option is Roy Rogers.
- Murray: When that's the only option, that's bad.
- Jian: Roy Rogers is right behind Hardee's as the worst place to eat. We
even bought some stuff to take back to the lab.
- Mike: The Fru-lab. Well, we have the Media Lab.
- The guys do a quick tease of "Media Lab" to the tune of "Particle
Man" (ala the May 97 MIT show)
- Mike: At Roy Rogers, the food tasted like Trigger.
- Jian: We put a piece of chicken on the table and it began to quiver.
Anybody ever see Leviathan?
- Murray: The people said, "If it's a choice between Roy Rogers, it's
better to eat the grass behind the restaurant".
- The guys start playing some quick music. Mike: This is the quivering
chicken music.
- Mike brings a plastic toy sax out from the back and tries to play it,
but to no avail. He yells in disgust and drop kicks it off the stage.
- Dave: It's gonna be one of those shows.
- Murray: Mike punted the saxophone. I was so looking forward to a little
saxophone bit.
- Mike runs past Murray and off the stage.
- Murray: Oh! I thought we was going to pound me.
- Jian: Actually, if you're feeling violent, there's a guy back
there... (Jian motions towards the loud audience member)
- The guys continue the fast, incidental music while Mike brings a giant
inflated beer bottle and breaks it over Murray's head.
- Jian: Every Sunday night, come see Mike Ford as 'The Violent Guy'.
- Mike starts screaming.
- Dave: Terret's Sundays.
- Jian, commenting on Mike's planet shirt: All those circles on his shirt
are Nicortine patches. He's got them on the top of his body just to get him
through the show.
- Mike, rubbing his shirt (and taking pleasure in
doing so): Awwww, I love this shirt!
- Murray joins in: I'm so jacked up!
- Jian: We had to switch guitars, and what we were doing is covering.
- Murray: And this is the covering music.
- The quick, dancy music begins again.
- Murray: Generic jazz covers any situation.
- Mike starts scat singing.
- The quick jazz music turns into slower doo-wop, and the guys start
sining "Centerpiece".
- Horseshoes
- Chatter
- Jian, commenting on the light show during Horseshoes: They had
the Genesis light show going. And they couldn't have picked a more
upbeat song.
- Murray: The drums rise up and fly through the room.
- Jian: And a gong appears that I hit.
- Murray: Could I have more snare in my monitor please?
- Jian: Thank you, Murray.
- Murray: No, it's no reflection on your playing.
- Jian: Here's a song from three years ago...
- The guys do the four "ditto" lines a little out of tune, and all stop.
- Murray: Are we starting again?
- Jian: Even if anyone in the audience thought we were in tune, we know better.
- Mike, looking at Murray: That chord started out wrong.
- Jian: Could you take Murray out of all these monitors? It's no reflection
on your singing.
- Murray: And no drums in my monitors.
- Dave: This is called 'Inside the Process' tour.
- Jian: It's Sunday night, Dave.
- Dave: It's hijinks night.
- Mike: I won some money in football today. I bet on the Skins, and they
won 42 to 9, over the 'frisco Colts.
- Everyone laughs at Mike.
- Mike waves his hand, "Ahh! Let's do the tune!"
- They start the song, that wonderful audience member yells out "So What?!?" again, and Jian
laughs during his "Ditto..."
- The Greatest Man in America
- Jian nods in Dave's direction at "paranoid minorities and gays".
- "taught me to love and praise Pat Buchanan. Charleton Heston is a nice man too, Chucky
- Chatter
- Jian, in a nasal voice: Bags of mostly water, the fleshy ones.
- Dave: Here's a song that's getting a lot of radio play, which is nice.
- Murray: Not that we care about those kind of things.
- Murray: We are artists. We don't care. We're completely disinterested...
- Dave: We can still maintain our integrity if we don't care about that shit.
- Dave: I'll never move out of my flat, with the black and white in the corner...
- Mike: David, 'Canteray Row' Matheson.
- Jian: David, 'Oliver Twist' Matheson.
- Michigan Militia
- Chatter
- Jian: This next song was actually written to be played in this club.
- Dave: Here's a song about being in the moment.
- Mike: For the writing of it, we bought a 2 4. That's when you buy
24 beers at once. You call that a case?
- Jian: If it's American beer, you just call it water.
- Murray: They call it Evian.
- Mike: We sent for a 2 4 of Saranac. We wrote this tune for the
environs, the vincinity of Captain Tripssssss.
- The Present Tense Tureen
- Chatter
- Jian: We're starting a whole new protest movement on this tour, and
our main cause is E-E-T. We're fighting the anti-food movement. Who believes
in food?
- Mike: What those bastards have done to Kate Moss is not funny! Stand
up for dishes, for casseroles.
- Johnny Saucep'n
- Chatter
- Jian: If you have the album wood, then you know there's a little
secret song at the end of it, 'bout a little secret guy, and if you
come to Toronto, and you hang at the corner of Queen and Bay, and
the cops haven't kicked him off the street, you'll see him and
say "Hey Organ Grinder!"
- Organ Grinder
- During the instrumental portion, Mike sings "Scrimmin' and a jimmin'
and a jimmin'... Here comes Johnny, he's a real tall man (??), he's got a pecker
in his hand, and he's off to the rodeo!!"
- Chatter
- Mike: Scrammin' and a jim jam!
- Mike: People might not know that song is on the soundtrack to 'Booty Call'.
If you see the film, you'll hear Organ Grinder in the explosion scene.
- Murray: There's one thing that Americans do better than everyone else,
and that's nothing. Here's a song dedicated to the American pasttime of
doin' nothin'.
- Murray: Fuckin' the dog, I think they say.
- Jian: Your president said, "That dog don't piss no more".
- Mike: That dog is lickin' its own butt again.
- Murray: I think we have a PG13 crowd here.
- Jian: All the Clitonians out there.
- Mike: The only Clinton this band roots for is Clinton, NY!
- Jian: The only place we roam is Rome, NY!
- Mike: The only events barn we sing the praises of is the Fillius
Events Barn!
- Mike: Here comes the key for that song about that dog.
- Jian: We'll take it from that good instrument to tune to, the bass.
- Lazy Boy
- Boo Time (Jazz Version)
- Mike, intro, audience call and response: Gun sounds. Explosion
sounds. 'Scram! You little runt.' Gun sound. 'He shot me!' A screech.
A cat. A dog. Low growl. Hoot owl noises.
- Mike: I hear a hoot owl... I hear a hoot owl, Lord Bayden Powell,
Mario Lemeaux is throwin' in the towel, 'cause everybody know what time
it is, time it is...
- Mike & Dave call and response: Various scat lines.
- Mike & audience call and response: Various scat lines.
Arriba! Andale! Interstate 90. Fans a plenty. Get good mileage. Black
light foliage.
- Final improv line (repeated 4x): Shakin' those hips at Captain Trip's!
- During Dave's line, Mike yells "Stereo Matheson!"
- Chatter
- Mike: Scrammin' and a jim jam. Scram scram, flim flam.
- Mike: Are those fine people from the radio station today here now?
- Jian: WPNR.
- A woman in the audience yells "BJ".
- Jian: I don't know what you mean ma'am.
- Murray: Said the bishop.
- Jian: To the priest.
- Jian: No, it's a cool station.
- Dave: It's not like my favorite station. WLUV in Toronto. It's talk radio,
it'll fix what ails you.
- Jian: But there's no music.
- Dave: You can use your CD player for music.
- Dave: You know the call letters, the theme?
- Your New Boyrfriend (Slow Version)
- Fell in Love
- Chatter
- Jian: There's such a characterization of America in Canada. But the
more we tour, the more we find these pockets of progressive people. Yet, you still
elect people like Christy Whitman (sp?)
- Some audience members yell "Jersey sucks!"
- Jian talks about how very few people voted for Governor
in New Jersey, and what a disgrace that is.
- Stuck in the 90's
- "it's your lacky...Sounds like more George Pataki"
- Chatter
- Audience member yells "Second best thing to come out of Canada!"
- Dave: And the first best is the Toronto Argos.
- Dave: Even though our governments are different, we're all pretty much
the same kind of animal.
- Mike: You should be really careful about "New Jersey sucks!". What
happened to the United States? If everyone just came together, things
would be a lot better all over the world.
- Jian: Only really North Carolina sucks.
- Murray: 'New Jersey's ugly' is probably safer, in terms of slogans.
- Jian: It's the garbage state.
- Mike: We're playing tunes from all of the releases in the Fruvous
- No No Raja
- Jockey Full of Bourbon
- Murray and Dave do a bass/accordion musical intro to lead into the song.
- Chatter
- Mike: Here comes the story about a guy who happens to be the secret,
missing, ex-future member of local Celtic group Andromeda, please welcome
the King of Spain!
- King of Spain
- Mike, during the intro: Known as the swinging King!
- Jian, during the intro: Often smokes with Captain Trip.
- Mike: Tobacco in a pipe like a sailor?
- "there's something overhead...Yahoo!"
- "give ALL of these people chocolate eclairs!"
- Darlington Darling
- Dave leads into the song with "Scotland the Brave" on the accordion.
- Chatter
- Murray: Bags of mostly water...
- Mike: Are you of the body, Landrew? Cause the red one is coming.
- Jian: Herbert! Herbert!
- Jian: One person knows what we're doing, the woman who won the
trivia thing on the radio today. She gets the Star Trek reference.
- Murray: I'm gonna clap my hands, and jump for joy, I got a clean
bill of health from Dr. McCoy!
- Get in the Car
Closed with
- Psycho Killer
- Jian, during the intro, thanks the crowd and the staff at the venue.
"This is the most people we've had at a Utica show."
Encore 1
- Chatter
- Jian: Thanks alot, friendly Utica region people.
- Jered says "Boston" to Jian.
- Jian: You're from Boston? I thought you were from Rochester. You have
to work tomorrow? Ahh, no classes tomorrow.
- Mike: Interstate 90. Fan a plenty. Relive those golden moments of Boo Time.
- Fly
- Jian, during the intro: Here's a song about the moment that you break
up with someone that you really care about. Think back to your last failed
- Audience member yells "Kick in the Ass!"
- Jian: Sure thing, brother. Let's go watch "Swingers" together.
- The Oatmeal Song
- My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors
- Jian, during the drum intro: We're Moxy Fruvous from Toronto, and
my baby loves a bunch of authors!
- "the driver said, 'I was lookin'".
- "Here's some trips I'd like you to read!"
- "Pulp Fiction"
- "Who needs a grave? He's Robertson Davies!"
Encore 2
- Chatter
- Mike comes out with a big yellow beach ball with a giant happy face on it.
He holds it in front of his head, and says "Can you see my face? I am so fuckin'
- The others start playing a slow, hard groove, to which Mike sings.
- Mike: I'm gonna start a political party, all about crushing you fucks!
I'm gonna make the rule of the day murder! I'm gonna make you all eat dirt!
I'm happy-face man!
- The rest join in: He's happy face man!
- Mike: I'm gonna get in the car! I'm gonna run down all you fuckers!
I'm gonna drive all over the place and spit out gasoline, and I'm gonna love
it! Cause I'm happy face man (happy face man!) Happy face man! (happy face man!)
- Mike throws the happy face ball into the crowd, and the audience tosses
it around.
- Jian: We're gonna try a new song now, that you might recognize.
- The happy face ball knocks Jian's mic over.
- Jian, talking in a lisp: Excuse me! Everyone settle down!
- Dave: Somebody's gonna lose a cuspid.
- The guys start talking in questions, appearing overly concerned.
- Jian: I just felt like, what just happened...
- Murray: Did you find that hurtful?
- Jian: It didn't happen with consensus?
- Murray: I think they violated your boundaries?
- Mike: I feel that happy face man, in the future, could be a better
thing to do on stage, if we improve the graphics?
- Jian: Happy face man might be offensive to people with happy faces?
- Mike: And those without happy faces might feel left out of the dialogue?
- Billie Jean Medley
Misc. Info
Some other tidbits from the performance include:
- Feel free to help contribute to this section!
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