(NOTE: I couldn't transcribe this in live time, but I tried to get the 'high points' and relevant quotes around the songs that were played. All quotes are from Dan (the DJ) unless otherwise marked.)
Quick background: '49th Parallel' on CJUM (U of Manitoba campus radio) is a show that plays '99.49%' Canadian content that usually airs on Tuesdays.
We turned on CJUM 20 minutes early to make sure not to miss anything - ironically (perhaps) enough, "Present Tense Tureen" was playing *g* This would be the first of a few unexpected song choices during the short interview. A timeline is provided so that you can appreciate just how short *lol* (Just as a side note, Dan uses the '49th Parallel' bit from Lazy Boy on his show, prompting a 'we get $0.06 every time you play that' joke when the guys were informed of that little fact)
3:02pm - Doug and I joke that Fruvous must be running late as some sort of grungish/rapish (hey, I don't know how else to describe it!) song was still playing. Turns out we were right *g*
3:05pm - 'This is a special edition of 49th Parallel featuring Moxy Fruvous in the studio,' however 'they have not arrived in the studio yet, fashionably late as always.' He then played 'a song from the live album' -> Message
3:08pm - 'Moxy Fruvous...who are still not in the studio yet. I'm skipping out of work today to play this show, so for the people at Nova Flyer here's a song called Darlington Darling from their first major label release' ->Darlington Darling
3:12pm - '..who will be in the studio shortly - we just got a call from them, they're running late..so I'll have to rescind my harsh comment from before.' (At this point Doug and I are laughing about the 'harsh comment' - as I told Dan after the concert that night, "Fruvous time" is a running joke in the NG) 'I decided not to play continuous Moxy Fruvous in case we run out of songs before they get here...Now I've insulted them again.' He then mentioned that the first time he'd seen Fruvous in concert, their opener was a 'new act' - Jann Arden (!), and played 'Could I Be Your Girl?'
3:17pm - 'We're still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Moxy Fruvous' and then talked a bit about their tour. 'This is for all those people who would normally be watching soaps right now' -> Jenny Washington (2nd unexpected song)
3:20pm - 'I can see from my perch on the 3rd floor that they have arrived...in honour of their roadtripping, here's a song by the Poppy Family that was featured in the movie Hard Core Logo' -> Which Way You Going Billy?
quick commercial break ('The Manitoban' newspaper - slogan "I really like reading the Manitoban")
3:25pm - "Moxy Fruvous is in the studio" (J) "I really really like reading the Manitoban." The guys talked about listening to CJUM in the van on the way over - "Dan, who we haven't even met yet, slagging us left and right." (laughter)
(Note: keep in mind that comments are flying out from all four from here on in, but if you expect *this* reviewer to be able to keep up with the boys, you're asking too much *g*)
According to Fruvous, there is another '49th Parallel' show, this one at the University of Michigan, where, despite the fact that 'Ann Arbor is 45mins away from Canada," the DJ didn't know much about it, or them. Verdict on the U of M show 'it's crap' (sorry U of M'ers, Jian said it, not me)
(Mike) There's another guy that's from Canada, speaking his name is like singing the anthem...he's here right now! It's Gordon Lightfoot! -> Gord's Gold (live)
(J) Tonight's show at the West End Cultural Centre is the first night of our North American tour - that's why we're so full of spunk and testosterone. By the end of our show tomorrow night in Saskatoon, it'll all be gone. (laughter)
'Are there any songs that you thought were really great but didn't get the recognition you thought they deserved?'
(D) There were some songs that we thought got too much recognition..
(Mike) There's a song that's slow and sad and was picked out as favourite song by my niece Sarah and Elvis Costello's ex-wife...
->BITTERSWEET!! (The only thing that kept me from falling off the bed in shock was the fact that it wasn't being done live, as it was the first time I'd heard it played *anywhere*. According to Dan it was Dave's choice...thanks Dave, from someone who agrees with you.)
FDC was mentioned in passing, then the topic of a.m.m-f arose - specifically the recent 'that isn't Jian doing the intro to Video Bargainville' thread: (J) It is me...I'm doing my Nome Chomsky (sp) impression.
CJUM gave away two free passes to the caller who performed the 'skill testing activity' of Fruvous' choice - which turned out to be saying 'Peter Piper' 5 times fast. Carlin (the lucky winner) didn't quite do the rhyme in the traditional way, but received the passes *and* had an impromptu song composed in his honour. Fruvous also offered to put another person (plus guest) on the guest list who did something outrageous. (While waiting for callers, they did the old 'Harvey's makes your hamburger a beautiful thing' commercial jingle.) That caller was Peter, a Dairy Queen employee, who was told he'd get the passes if he gave out 5 free food items. (He was called again at the end of the interview and listed off his 5 items - he was told to come to the show and he'd be introduced from the stage. I don't know if he made it or not, but I do know the only person introduced from the stage that night was the King of Spain *g*)
quick commercial break -> first part of King of Spain
"By request of the band' -> Psychokiller
The last song played during the interview was Horseshoes (live). ("In the eyes of this reviewer" (to quote from the concert), this song with just the voices and acoustic guitar is great and definitely something I'd like to hear again sometime.)
Interview closed with a quick plug for the show that night and for Dayna Manning who was opening for them.
(Additional note: I mentioned to Jian after the concert that we'd heard the radio interview - "I was wondering if anyone on the Net would be listening to it." After lurking for *this* long, you should know better than to wonder about something like that Jian *g*)
Drea (temporarily from Doug's computer)
Some other tidbits from the performance include: