Energy, The Pulse of Life

Energy, The Pulse of Life

Educational Science Videos

Films by Jack Micay

Grades 8 to Adult

MediCinema Ltd.
131 Albany Ave., Toronto
Ont., Canada M5R 3C5
Phone of fax: (416-977-0569)

Music: Moxy Fruvous
Lyrics: Jack Micay
Recorded at Comfort Sound, Toronto
Engineered by Doug McClement

Part 1 - The Science of Energy

Fru-tunes on this video:

Length - 27:55

Physics, Biology, History of Science

Featuring Moxy Fruvous and Dr. John Polanyi

Produced with the assistance of the Government of Canada: Science Culture Canada Program, the Ontario Film Development Corp. Non-Theatrical Fund, and the Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund

Produced by MediCinema Ltd. and CINAR Films

©Copyright Jack Micay, Medicinema Ltd., 1994
ISBN 1-896415-02-4, Series ISBN 1-896415-00-8

Part 2 - Energy Choices: A Changing Environment

Fru-tunes on this video:

Length - 18:45

Geography, Environmental Studies, Physics, History

Featuring Moxy Fruvous

Produced with the assistance of B.C. Hydro/PowerSmart, Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund, Energy Educators of Ontario, Industry Canada (Science Culture Canada), Ontario Film Development Corporation Non-Theatrical Fund

©Copyright Jack Micay, Medicinema Ltd., 1995
ISBN 1-896415-06-7, Series ISBN 1-896415-00-8

Part 3 - Energy Choices: Some Brighter Ideas

Fru-tunes on this video:

Length - 25:10

Geography, Environmental Studies, Physics, History

Featuring Moxy Fruvous

Produced with the assistance of B.C. Hydro/PowerSmart, Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund, Energy Educators of Ontario, Industry Canada (Science Culture Canada), Ontario Film Development Corporation Non-Theatrical Fund

©Copyright Jack Micay, Medicinema Ltd., 1995
ISBN 1-896415-06-7, Series ISBN 1-896415-00-8

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