Moxy Fruvous - Sound & Video Clips

**NEW** Fruvous Song
- Huge on the Luge
- A song full of holiday cheer! (written in October 2001, and recorded in November)
**NEW** Fruhead Songs
- Chris Traugott (sung by Dave)
- From Chris (06/28/02): Not sure where the superhero reference came from (me in tights,
yikes!), but the rest of the lyrics were woven out of a long, rambling,
and slightly drink inspired conversation I had with Dave one night,
which ranged from experiences as an Army brat to favorite music to my on
going love affair/obsession (depending on your point of view) with the
bass guitar. And, of course, Scotch. I'm particularly fond of the pun
'Foster Army Base (bass)' and just about tipped over with laughter when
I heard it the first time. Thank you for my song, Dave, I love it!
- Colleen Campbell (sung by Mike)
- From Colleen (04/21/02): I lived in Florida for a couple of a years and roadtripped or flew north
every month or two to traipse about with the Fruheads for a weekend, seeing
the band between one and three times each time. The reference to my sister
comes from the fact that there's such a strong resemblance between us, at
least a couple of the lads mistook her for me when they saw her. The last bit
of the song is a reference to a movie script I wrote based on a band
analogous to Fruvous - the band in the script was named "Death By Chocolate."
- Ella Franklin (sung by Jian)
- From Ella (03/13/02): I first discovered the band in early 1997 and my fru-tripping
days began shortly after that, where I met many of you that are dear to me to this day.
So thanks again for the memories, and for the rides I bummed in your car.
About my song....a melodic play on my name with mention of my New York City hometown pride.
But where'd the rollerblading reference come from? I think I've been on skates maybe twice
in my life. Anyway...Enjoy!
- Sharilyn Johnson (sung by Mike)
- From Sharilyn (02/24/02): The majority of my Fruhead card stamps were earned in '97, the same year I
moved from my comfy home in Winnipeg, Manitoba to cramped college dorm room in
Welland, Ontario. My favourite line is the reference to the West End
Cultural Centre, the venue Fruvous always plays in Winnipeg. It's *my*
place... I've spent a lot of time volunteering and hanging out there, and
it's what I missed most while I was away. As for the last 1/4 of the
song... I'd LOVE to know what it means. Never had the stuff in my life!
- Chad Maloney (sung by Mike)
- From Chad (01/10/02): Great stuff. I smiled for days after I first heard this. I love
the slowness, simplicity, and excellent lyrics (especially the
first couple lines). And yes, I had to look up what "Quo Vadis" means too.
- Zard Snodgrass (sung by Mike)
- From Zard (11/8/01): So I like scotch! What can I say?!... (and I travel with a bottle while
Frutripping) It became quite a ritual - after a show, go back to the
hotel room, get together with friends, and try out different single malt
scotches. The guys took that idea and ran with it. I love Mike's Scottish
accent, and IMHO, the pre-each-scotch's-name lyrics are brilliant. If you
listen closely, you can hear some of the other guys giggling in the
background to some of the funnier lyrics.
- Heather Rolph (sung by Murray)
- From Heather (11/8/01): The theme from the song dates back to Summer 1994 and a nickname that
spurred from an outdoor event. I won't bore you with the details but I was
touched that the band went back as far as they did to choose the theme for
the song. It made me smile when I heard it.
- Jason Reiser (sung by Mike; bridges by Jian)
- From Jason (9/24/01): Solve your (or just my?) problems through drink - Sage advice indeed. I'm
not exactly sure where this song came from. Do they think I don't drink
enough? I fully expected my song to be little more than Jian chanting
"Hello, Reiser" ala Seinfeld's disdainful greeting to Newman, so I'm
really thrilled with this. Of course, I don't know why Jian greets me
that way either, so I guess it's just another Fruvous mystery.
Oh, and my song's got a Simpsons reference! Woohoo!
- Chris O'Malley (sung by Mike)
- From the Webmaster (8/21/01): Hey! It's *my* song! ;-) A little history first, though...back in 1997 and
1998 when I was at my fru-tripping peak, a fellow Fruhead friend (who shall remain nameless ;-)
leaked to Mr. Ford an inside joke that I have with an old high school buddy. I remember saying
to everyone, "Wouldn't it be cool if my fruhead song mentioned the word 'adder'?" (the focal point
of the aforementioned inside joke...uhhh...don't ask ;-)
Well, once Mike heard this, he couldn't resist. That coupled with my obsession with the impending
millennium prompted Mike to pen lyrics that definitely need to be listened to several times to catch
all the nuggets that lie within. Enjoy.
- Krista Ortgiesen (sung by Dave)
- From the Webmaster (8/6/01): Interestingly enough, the first song being put on FDC is for someone who
still hasn't heard it herself. I was unable to track down Krista, so if you have any info that could
help me contact her, please get in touch with me. This song is a beautiful ballad, written and sung by
Dave. The lyrics are amazing, IMO.
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