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Re: Moxy Früvous, by Mary-Lynn McEwen (September 17)

I am sorry that you didn't do a little more research into Moxy Früvous and the phenomenon of fans travelling from gig to gig before labelling us as "psychos" or people who "have no life of their own."

Writing as one who just returned from a weekend in your beautiful city, I am quite sure that I have a very good life of my own (I am a journalist and a lawyer). My enjoyment of Moxy Früvous's performances and my relationship with the band members gives me an added incentive to visit places I've never seen or to arrange a stopover on a business trip or to visit other friends along the way. There are several of us who have very demanding professional jobs, in many cases requiring extensive travel. When the opportunity arises to see Moxy Früvous and other friends along the way, we gladly seize it. I've wanted to visit Calgary for the past several years. Current low airfares and a weekend off from my work made this possible. Not only did I get to the two Früvous shows, I got to tour around Calgary and drive toward Banff so that I can consider where to go when I return for a ski vacation.

A strong factor that motivates us to attend shows is the unusual ability of the band to attract interesting fans. I am constantly amazed at the number of genuine friendships that have developed. We're not all a bunch of drugged-out loafers trying to find the meaning of life. Friends that I have made after attending Früvous shows include a biologist from Los Angeles, a foreign travel manager and a business consultant from Washington, DC, a computer software professional from Boston, a teacher from Rochester, NY, an airline supervisor from Baltimore and a journalist in Chicago. Many of us have developed friendships and engage in social activities completely separate from Moxy Früvous performances. The band merely is what brought us together and is one of many things that we have in common.

If you look at the Internet news group on which many of the fans participate (alt.music.moxy-fruvous), you'll see that the sometimes heated discussions cover everything from politics to literature to travel and, yes, to Moxy Früvous. The band's support of the pro-choice movement generated considerable debate on the topic. Even some of the younger members of the "Frühead" set have strong, well thought-out convictions and values. I would be surprised if the level of intellectual curiosity comes from individuals who need "to bring more meaning to their lives."

Indeed, I am a dedicated fan of this band. Their creative music and inspired lyrics make me happy. Their tours have given me opportunities to visit new places and make new friends. Moxy Früvous has added a lot to my life. I don't think there's anything wrong with this. In fact, I'm glad to know this band and its following.

Doug Levy,

San Francisco

via e-mail

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