Fruvous Quill #1

Früvous Quill #1 (Date Unknown)


Hello there Friend, Fan or the idly curious. How's it goin? Trouble at work? Trouble at home? Living on Italian Loaves and bittersweet chocolate? seems like a good time to THANK-YOU for the heartfelt good wishes and interest you've emitted in our direction. Very nice of you to take the fact, we were so bowled over by it all that is has taken us, well, nigh on a year (in some cases) to respond.

But, those days are behind us, thanks, in part, to a special machine located in Fergus, Ontario. Now all we have to do is drop a pint of blood each into the funnel on top - as well as an eyeball from any member of the marsupial family - as well as any one of Shakespeare's comedies (or Richard III), and sacrifice a chicken and VOILA!! out comes a Früvous Quill Newsletter. "What is this Früvous Quill?" you ask. Well, we're not sure, but we DO know that it will evolve into some type of hyperexclusive forum for new, facts, fictions, tidbits or whatever comes when we put pen to paper.

Just remember: you - YOU! - are now officially part of an elite corps with top-secret, CODE 1, access to a secret fount of info so blessed that it will undoubtedly set you about a notch and a half above those around you. As proof of this you will find a listing of Früvous full-tour dates (see back) throughout CANADA - perfect ammunition to let fly during those parties of important, well-groomed people of the moment, if you feel the tide of social opinion shifting against you.

-The lads, August '93.

What's Goin' On?

So much has happened in the last little while that, without the services of SCRIBE (a short fellow who runs about twenty feet behind us at all times chronicling everything we do), we'll forget ourselves. Tons of travel, little sleep, consuming gravol, counting sheep...Let's see:

Our experience recording BARGAINVILLE in Woodstock, New York, was very intense...old church, spring breeze, fresh bagels, cream cheese, fourteen-hour days, Ms. Pac Man (why not "PacWoman>")..the works. After that we laboured long in Toronto completing the album (producing the disc ourselves was, of course, a delicious exercise in democratic decisions - delight - would you like cream with that?) and mixing the blood thing whilst preparing for our "unveiling" show at the Ontario Place Forum on May 28.

Throughout the summer we have been gigging at theatres and folk festivals across Canada and doing a bunch of media to promote the album. We shot a video for the 1st single, "STUCK IN THE 90's" on June 28 (seen it one much??)

We were absolutely freaked that within two weeks of the release of BARGAINVILLE (July 20 was the release day in Canada) it went GOLD!! (50,000 copies) Thanks to all those who have entered BARGAINVILLE. Look for the next single to mention bell hooks.

OK...gotta go. We'll see ya somewhere in the country (hopefully) and talk to you soon.

Bargainville...Tour '93!

Sept 22     Peterborough
Sept 23     Peterborough
Sept 27     St. Catherines
Sept 28     St. Catherines
Oct 1       Toronto
Oct 2       Toronto
Oct 6       Guelph
Oct 7       Brantford
Oct 19      Victoria
Oct 20      Vancouver
Oct 21      Kelowna
Oct 23      Kamloops
Oct 24      Calgary
Oct 25      Lethbridge
Oct 28      Red Deer
Oct 29      Edmonton
Oct 30      Edmonton
Oct 31      Regina
Nov 1       Saskatoon
Nov 2       Winnipeg
Nov 5       Thunder Bay
Nov 7       Sudbury
Nov 8       North Bay
Nov 12      Lennoxville
Nov 13      Montreal
Nov 14      Quebec City
Nov 15      Fredericton
Nov 17      Moncton
Nov 18      Sydney
Nov 19      St. John's
Nov 20      St. John's
Nov 22      Halifax
Nov 25      London
Nov 26      Hamilton
Nov 28      Ottawa
Nov 29      Kingston
Nov 30      Kitchener / Waterloo
Dec 2       Windsor 
Dec 4       Buffalo

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